Best tips to answer Table in the IELTS listening test:
In the ielts listening, you will be instructed to read some questions by 30 seconds. You should utilize your time properly. The main focus of your ielts listening is to understand the question first. If it is a table, you need to follow different strategies. Top 7 strategies regarding number, dates, names & address to improve your IELTS Listening score:
1. Numbers addresses and dates: The main focus of this article is to avoid simple mistake in listening part 1. If you want to do better in IELTS listening test, I mean at least if you want to get over 7, you need to do better in the section 1 and 2 as the questions will be gradually harder. If you are not prepared, you might easily make mistake. some problems, which you may encounter during the time of listening test, will be addressed here. Amazing Tips for IELTS Listening Test:
Are you afraid to IELTS listening test? If it is yes, this article is for you. In my IELTS teaching experience, I have faced so many questions from the part of the IELTS candidates. Sometimes they –tell me, we cannot understand the accent, the speaker talk too fast, the speakers cannot utter the word clearly, we cannot understand the topic, topic was totally unknown, we cannot understand the graph, the graph and map is too difficult, we cannot understand a multiple choice question, the section 4 is very difficult and thousands of questions go on and on. Now, as a candidate you may ask questions, is there any solution of those questions? Yes, of course, there is a solution. Following some easy steps you can gain your desired score in IELTS.
It has been found that students sometimes suffer a lot and find difficulty to answer the questions in the listening part. But the problems can be overcome by following some techniques. Let us practice some strategies.